Women and Youth Care Empowerment (WAYCE) as part of her mandate to make sure that citizens live healthy and organized, carried out a sensitization visit against the spread of covid-19 to the IDPS in their camp in Durumi Area 1 on the 31st of March 2020. WAYCE, in course of this visit, distributed two thousand bottles of hand sanitizers, and two thousand pieces of facemasks and donated one big drum that was constructed to a running water source for their regular hand washing. As a result of the social distancing, a team of four staff of WAYCE carried out the distribution of palliative to the IDP Camp.
Executive Summary
To keep the IDPS informed and to make sure they stay safe from contacting covid19, the WAYCE admin manager by the directive of the executive director reached out to the camp coordinator name baba Ibrahim Idris Alilu along with the camp PRO Mr. Umar Gola to inform them about the proposed visit by WAYC and to discuss the modalities to be adopted to maintain social distancing.
The main objective of WAYC embarking on this project are as follows
- To provide formal information about covid-19 to the IDPs who may not have access to genius information about the pandemic.
- To sensitize the IDPs on how they can avoid contracting covid-19.
- To provide personal protective materials to the IDPs to make sure they are protected from getting infected.
- To inform the IDPs of the possible ways one can contact covid-19 and the ways through which a carrier can spread it to the nearest or next person.
The officers who were sent on this delegation include the executive director Barr Nneoma Okafor, the admin manager, comfort O Maduka the director of health services Mrs. Dorothy Amadi, and the project manager Dr. Adaoma Ezinwo.
Activities Conducted
- There was a management meeting summoned by the executive director to deliberate on a way forward for this outreach.
- The admin manager was assigned to meet with camp officials to deliberate on the best possible way to carry out the visit and how to go about it with IDPs so that everything will be orderly.
- Market surveys were conducted to get the best quality of materials and up to the qualities required
Key Findings
- At the time of our visit to the camp, the IDPs never believed that covid-19 was real, nor could it affect them.
- The IDPs were by no means protecting themselves from contacting covid-19 pandemic
- That WAYC was the only organization that visited the camp to tell them about the pandemic and to make PPEs available to them.
- There were over and above three thousand people in the camp who were to be attended to by only four people and so it was challenging for us.
- Distributing the materials, we brought to them was a task as every one of them was so eager to make sure they were not left out.
The activity achieved very huge success as over 2000 people were sensitized and they all received their PPEs courtesy of WAYCE the camp coordinator prayed for team WAYCE’s success in all their endeavors for being the very first organization that has deemed it fit to come around them in this pandemic season to show them, love, without entertaining fear of any kind and also employed WAYCE to always remember the IDPs in their subsequent activities while the Executive of WAYCE implored the IDPs to put whatever they have learned from that sensitization to action and applauded them for their audience and calmness.